Far too often I hear of local authorities criticising letting agents or landlords and even prosecuting them so it was a pleasant surprise to hear of a council actually praising them.
Burnley Council has been quick to laud the professional approach of some agents and landlords in their district when organising the letting and management of residential properties. The council prides itself on actively working with private landlords and encouraging them to raise their standards.
They have been running an accreditation scheme since the 1990s and drew up a new code of practice this summer to reflect the changes in legislation and best practice in the rented sector of the housing market.
They encourage robust management procedures and the standard house conditions they recommend in their new code exceed the national legal requirements. The result is that landlords and agents work to a higher standard and tenants live in well-managed, safe and comfortable accommodation.
My hope is that such standards are spread throughout the country to the benefit of landlords, letting agents, local authorities and tenants alike.
If you are a landlord considering letting a property or a tenant looking for a new home why not give me, Eddie Carter, a call on 01684 292154 to discuss your requirements. Alternatively take a look around our website. We specialise in the Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Evesham, Gloucester, Malvern and Worcester areas.
Charles Carter Lettings
Independent – Specialist – Local