This service is the ultimate in financial security to your rental income returns and any worries of costly legal fees.
– You will have a direct and local Personal property manager throughout the service with Eddie Carter the company director available whenever required.
– A full independent professional inventory and check out report carried out on every new letting ensuing maximum cover and deposit deduction ability.
– 247 property management care and our ‘best value’ property maintenance guarantee. We will always be available to deal with your property needs ensuring each maintenance job is carried out in the most cost effective way.
– Deposit protected in a government approved scheme
Monthly management fee: 12% + VAT (14.4% incl VAT) deducted from the gross monthly rental + additional £27.50+ VAT (£33 inc VAT) for properties up to £2,500 pcm. Properties over £2,500 charges are £37.50+VAT (£45 inc VAT).
New tenancy set up fee: For each new tenancy we charge 60% + VAT (minimum fees £400 + VAT, £480 inc VAT) of the first month’s rent.
Platinum Service- Rent Guarantee
Our personal ‘PLATINUM’ package is available for all our property rentals large or small. It provides our landlords with a complete piece of mind property management, it guarantees your rent and covers the non-payment of rent the month it is due, with no excess and also includes all the legal assistance you may require to evict the tenant if required.
Piece of mind on your investment
This includes everything you require at the commencement of the letting process and during the lettings process, right up to the check out and deposit deduction negotiation. We do not charge extra for property management inspections or our independent professional inventories and check out reports. All inspections and management is carried out in our central branch so all your needs are under one roof in one local location.