I was interested to read the results of a recent survey by Belvoir, a nationwide franchise operation specialising in letting properties.
Of the landlords surveyed, 68% said they had not raised rents in the last twelve months but 88% believed that the increased costs for purchasing buy to let properties introduced by the government would inevitably lead to a general increase in rents.
The survey was conducted in December and January and received 1,038 replies, not exclusively from Belvoir clients. Although nearly half of those respondents said they had no plans to increase rents in the coming twelve months, 44% said they would be adopting a cautious approach to investing in further properties as a result of the government’s changes.
The landlords appeared evenly split when asked if they felt buy to lets still represented a good investment. 46% thought it did with 40% disagreeing and 14% undecided.
It seems clear to me that landlords recognise George Osbourne’s policies as anti-landlord and representing a huge challenge in the rented sector for this year.
If you are a landlord considering letting a property or a tenant looking for a new home why not give me, Eddie Carter, a call on 01684 292154 to discuss your requirements. Alternatively take a look around our website. We specialise in the Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Evesham, Gloucester, Malvern and Worcester areas.
Charles Carter Lettings
Independent – Specialist – Local